
Ella existió, solo en un sueño, y él es el poema que el poeta nunca escribió y en la eternidad los dos, unieron sus almas, para darle vida a esta Triste canción de amor.


She existed, only in a dream, and he is the poem that the poet never wrote and in the eternity, both united their souls to make real this sad love song. He's like the sea, She's like the moon, and the full moon nights, they make love, and in the immensity both united their souls, to make real this sad love song. He's like a God, She's like a virgin, and the Gods taught to them how to sin, and in the eternity both united their souls to make real this sad love song.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

It could give you more facts.

Politah. ! dijo...
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